Are You Jeopardising Your Legacy Through A Lack Of Strategic Planning?

Learn How To Ensure That Your Legacy Remains Robust After You Let Go Of The Reins!

In this groundbreaking book, you will…

  • See and anticipate what needs to get done to create and maintain your legacy
  • Understand how your legacy goals will impact the important people in your life
  • Cover the important details and check all the angles to avoid making serious mistakes as you plan your legacy
  • Eliminate the worry and stress about your family’s wealth and its preservation at the time when you should be enjoying life to the fullest
  • Understand how a dedicated legacy planner can help you avoid many of the pitfalls connected with planning your legacy

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Learn How To Avoid The Biggest Legacy Planning Pitfalls!

It can be a messy and complicated process to set up your legacy, and there is always a risk it might cause major financial and emotional issues, both in the short and long-term, unless properly planned.

It’s obviously important to ensure your family is financially secure, but many of us are also concerned about the bigger picture —the communities from which we came or one or more deserving charities. How do we choose who to help with money or expertise?

Even when a decision has been made to relinquish control — or at least some of it — there remains the age-old question of timing. When should you stand aside and how much warning will you give colleagues? Who should you inform and when? How do you make all this happen?

This book will help you:

  • Identify unique problems faced by older baby-boomers as they begin the task of building their legacy
  • Realise the broad range of issues affecting your family and perspectives you may not have considered
  • Determine what the long-term best interests of the asset base you’ve built actually are
  • Put structures in place that ensure your family’s wealth is not eroded when you are no longer in control
  • Distinguish between the way you organise your legacy with your business and colleagues and how you work with your loved ones to make sure they understand what you are aiming to achieve

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A Personal Note From Michael…

Plans are like road maps: they show you how best to travel from A to B.

If you don’t have a road map (where would we be these days without GPS?), it can be easy to get lost and waste a lot of time getting to your required destination. There’s also a risk you could run out of gas!

Before you can use a map, however, you need to know where you are currently — and where you want to go.

Planning a journey — or planning a legacy — requires a great deal of focus. Allowing yourself to focus encourages deep thinking, which can be hard work, but great results most often are only delivered with hard work.

Good outcomes come from thinking about issues from as many angles you can find. This is particularly important when examining what you have achieved in life so far and what you still want to achieve.

About Michael Grant

Michael Grant is the trusted legacy strategy planner for successful business owners. With over 30 years in the fields of tax consulting, accounting and management, Michael is uniquely qualified in strategic legacy planning, having accumulated the necessary professional and life experience to be the sounding board clients need to determine and implement their legacy planning objectives.

In recent years, Michael has noticed that Australia is more and more in the process of transferring billions of dollars in wealth to the next generation. Thus, he has made it his mission to apply his experience in aiding those who have been successful and who wish to pass their wealth on responsibly.

Michael possesses a lifetime of experience in looking after the interests of some of Australia’s most successful families. During his years as a tax consultant, Michael has seen some wealthy families handle legacy planning well, while others did not fare so well.

Largely, it was because they enrolled the services of professional advisors who didn’t share their vision.

Brought up in a working-class family in Sydney, Michael worked in the shipping department at Shell Oil before attending the University of NSW, where he graduated with a degree in commerce. He started his professional career in 1983 as an accountant with Deloitte Haskins and Sells before becoming a tax consulting manager with Bowie Wilson Miles.

In 1995 Michael became a partner of PKF, where alongside his partners, he helped build the best tax consulting advisory team outside the so-called “Big 8” (now Big 4) accounting firms. During his latter years with the firm, he was a member of the board, subsequently elected as chairman, and finally asked to become managing partner. During his time as leader of the firm Michael was instrumental in merging the PKF East Coast Practice with BDO Australia which is part of BDO International, the sixth largest accounting group in the world.

Today, Michael’s advisory firm, Tabouli Holdings Group, specialises in tax consulting and general advisory. This includes legacy planning for clients whom Michael has advised for many years.

Identifying And Managing Your Legacy takes the reader through the legacy planning process, addresses problems that can arise from poor planning, and how to avoid them.

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Are You Jeopardising Your Legacy Through A Lack Of Strategic Planning?

Learn How To Ensure That Your Legacy Remains Robust After You Let Go Of The Reins!

In this groundbreaking book, you will…

  • See and anticipate what needs to get done to create and maintain your legacy
  • Understand how your legacy goals will impact the important people in your life
  • Cover the important details and check all the angles to avoid making serious mistakes as you plan your legacy
  • Eliminate the worry and stress about your family’s wealth and its preservation at the time when you should be enjoying life to the fullest
  • Understand how a dedicated legacy planner can help you avoid many of the pitfalls connected with planning your legacy

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We will pay for the full postage and mail it to you.)